Day 5 Youth Firefighter Day Camp
June 21, 2024

Hard to believe the 10th Annual Youth Firefighter Camp has come to a close. On our final day of camp the cadets got to watch a mock vehicle rescue with the firefighters using the jaws of life to remove the “victim” The victim was then loaded onto a stretcher to await the landing of PennStar helicopter.
When each crew was asked what their favorite event was during camp here are a few answer
Field group: being sprayed by the water
Tower group: being sprayed by the water and the air conditioning
Squad group: sprinkler, helicopter landing and the drone
Tanker group: search and rescue was the unanimous winner water todays helicopter landing was a close second.
Engine group: the water and the sprinkler
Rescue group: the water and the helicopter landing
Chief Ken Shuler what was your favorite thing this week at camp? "We were able to include 160 cadets in the weeks events"
President Tom Walters: the sprinkler demonstration was his favorite. "It was good for the kids and fun to watch".

Special thank you to Limerick Township for donating the five escape ladders.
They were given to a cadet from each of the crews for completing their home escape plan.
Congratulations to the recipients.
Kaelyn Wendell was voted by the Tanker crew as rookie/cadet of the camp.

A extra thank you to PennStar and it’s crew for visiting us on our final day of camp.
Quote from a member of the PennStars crew. "It’s his favorite event to attend all year."

The cadets would like to thank their parents, grandparents or guardians for allowing them to attend this year camp.

Limerick Fire Department would like to thank the volunteers who helped. Without them we couldn’t make this camp possible.

To celebrate the 10th camp, the cadets were given a swag bag that contained a beach towel, free meal to a local restaurant, a bounce ball and other items
They were also treated to a delicious lunch from Chick Fil A